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Serving Panama City, FL

Serving Panama City, FL


Parker Services Inc Blog

Now Is a Great Time for Regular HVAC Maintenance!


It may sound odd that we’re recommending you arrange to have HVAC maintenance in Panama City, FL right now. The weather is hovering around that ideal point where it’s not hot enough to need the AC to run frequently and it’s not even remotely cold enough to justify putting on long sleeves.

But the best time to have your HVAC system inspected and tuned-up for the season ahead is during a time when you don’t need it. You won’t have to worry about going without your AC or heater during maintenance because you wouldn’t have either of them running anyway. 

HVAC maintenance is a biannual job, ideally done in spring to prepare for summer and then in fall to prepare for winter. We’re deep into fall right now, and even though we don’t experience extreme cold in Florida, it’s still important to make sure you’re prepared for the chillier days—especially since we live near the ocean. If you haven’t gotten your fall maintenance done yet, call us today to schedule it.

Peak Performance Membership

The best way to have regular HVAC maintenance done is to join our special Peak Performance maintenance plan. As a member, you’ll receive twice-annual HVAC maintenance inspections and tune-ups, as well as several benefits, such as priority service that lets you jump to the front of the service queue and a 15% discount on parts. 

During each maintenance visit, our technicians will give your HVAC system a complete inspection, cleaning, and adjustment. For example, during fall maintenance, our technicians will check and lubricate motors, inspect relays, tighten electrical connections, and make important safety checks.

If you use a heat pump, they’ll check on refrigerant levels and treat the refrigerant coils with a self-rinse residual cleaner. They’ll also examine the thermostat to ensure it’s correctly calibrated for the best performance from your HVAC system.

Maintenance Means Savings and Better HVAC Performance

HVAC maintenance is really its own reward. The benefits of sticking with bi-annual visits from professionals are enormous, helping to lower your comfort costs and keeping your heating and cooling system working in great shape.

Think of maintenance as an investment in a longer and more energy-efficient life for your HVAC system. Without maintenance, most heating and air conditioning systems wouldn’t last for their full estimated service life. In fact, they might fail after only half their expected lifetimes, which is an expensive situation.

Regular maintenance also prevents the majority of repairs your HVAC system may need, so that you’ll not only save money, you won’t have interruptions in your comfort at any time of the year. 

Another benefit of maintenance is that it slows down HVAC wear and tear so you won’t see your utility bills continue to rise year after year. Regular maintenance will see that your heating and air conditioning systems only lose around 5% of their energy efficiency throughout their useful service lives. 

Finally, HVAC maintenance is necessary to keep the warranty on your equipment valid. Skipping inspections and tune-ups can mean losing this valuable consumer protection.

Arrange for your fall HVAC maintenance today with Parker Services, Inc. Comfort’s just a call away! 

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