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Serving Panama City, FL


Parker Services Inc Blog

How to Troubleshoot a Broken AC


This is a scenario that nobody wants to face during a hot, humid summer day in Florida: a busted AC! If your house starts feeling far too hot, even with the AC running, or if you notice that the AC isn’t coming on at all, you might sense a tug of panic.

We’re here to reassure you. No matter what’s wrong with your home’s cooling system, you can always call our expert technicians for air conditioning repair in Panama City, FL that’ll get your AC back to work. Many of our team members have 20-30 years of experience in the field, so they know how to find solutions to all types of cooling problems.

However, there are times when the trouble with an AC is a simple one you can correct yourself if you know where to look. Before you call us, go through these troubleshooting steps to see if you only have a minor problem on your hands.

Step 1. Check the thermostat

This may seem obvious, but the obvious is sometimes the most overlooked. Check the thermostat to make sure that it is set to “cool” and not “fan only” mode. If you have a programmable thermostat, double-check that the program is set to turn the AC on at your desired temperature (you may still have your winter settings in place). Someone in the house may have changed the thermostat settings without you knowing about it.

Step 2. Check the electrical panel

If the air conditioner won’t turn on at all, even the fan, then it pays to see if it has lost electrical power. The motors for an AC, particularly the blower motor and the compressor motor, may overload a circuit breaker. Check the electrical panel to see if there’s a tripped breaker and reset it. If the breaker continues to trip, then there’s probably a more serious electrical problem with the AC.

Step 3. Replace the air filter

Clogged air filters are one of the most common preventable causes of air conditioner trouble. The filter on the HVAC cabinet will clog up after 1-3 months, and unless it’s changed out, it will severely restrict the ability of the AC to cool the house. Change the current filter to a clean one to see if this gets the air conditioner back to normal. 

Step 4. Clean and clear the outdoor condenser

If the outdoor condenser is extremely dirty or has branches, leaves, and other debris blocking it, the AC won’t be able to exhaust enough heat, leading to poor performance and possibly the whole system overheating and shutting down. You can clean the cabinet with a broom and then hose it down on low pressure. Remove debris from at least a foot on all sides of the condenser. 

Step 5. Call our professionals

At this point, you may feel tempted to grab some tools and open up a video tutorial to see if you can repair the AC yourself. Please don’t—it’s time to call our technicians to diagnose and repair the air conditioner. We’ll get the problem fixed and make sure the warranty stays valid.

Reach out to Parker Services, Inc today—Comfort’s just a call away!

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