Parker Services Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Some Best Practices for Your Thermostat This Summer

Monday, June 24th, 2024

The thermostat is how you control your HVAC system, so it’s key for ensuring you stay cool in summer. However, too many people take their thermostat for granted and use it in ways that end up wasting energy and harming comfort. We don’t want you to have your thermostat work against you this summer! We have some best practices for setting your thermostat that will help you find the perfect balance between saving energy and staying comfortable.

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Want to Avoid AC Repair This Summer? We’ve Got Your Back!

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Nobody wants to deal with calling for air conditioning repair during the summer. In Panama City, where the heat can be relentless, having your AC go down is more than just an inconvenience—it’s a threat to your comfort and health. 

While simple methods like adjusting your thermostat settings and regularly replacing the AC’s air filter can significantly reduce the strain on your system, these aren’t the only ways to prevent breakdowns and repair problems. There are more substantial steps that an HVAC professional can help with that can drastically cut down on repairs.

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Was This the Last Summer for Your AC?

Monday, September 4th, 2023

It’s September, and the hot weather certainly hasn’t finished with us here in Florida. But at least we know cooler temperatures are coming in the future, and this is a good time to make an assessment of how well your air conditioning system performed this summer season.

If you need to arrange for an AC replacement in Panama City, FL, you’ll want to know about it before the next summer arrives. That way, you can schedule a convenient replacement with our technicians during cooler weather.

How can you tell if this was the last summer for your air conditioner? The easiest way is to schedule an appointment with our team. We’ll give the AC a thorough inspection and then give you our honest opinion as well as a set of options. Below, we’ll look at some of the ways to tell that it’s time to call us for a professional assessment.

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Watch Out for These AC Troubles at the End of Summer

Monday, August 7th, 2023

Anyone who has lived in Florida for at least a few summers understands that the heat and humidity of the second half of the season is often the worst. Getting your air conditioning system through July doesn’t mean you’ve made it over the hump and the rest is all downhill. The heat has much more to throw at you, and you need to ensure you AC can handle it.

When you run into cooling system trouble, you can count on our technicians for quality air conditioning repair in Panama City, FL. You want to catch these problems as early as possible so we can get to work before the situation worsens and you end up with a more expensive repair—or a boiling house with a failed AC. Below, we’ve listed some late summer AC issues we recommend you watch for.

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How to Troubleshoot a Broken AC

Monday, June 5th, 2023

This is a scenario that nobody wants to face during a hot, humid summer day in Florida: a busted AC! If your house starts feeling far too hot, even with the AC running, or if you notice that the AC isn’t coming on at all, you might sense a tug of panic.

We’re here to reassure you. No matter what’s wrong with your home’s cooling system, you can always call our expert technicians for air conditioning repair in Panama City, FL that’ll get your AC back to work. Many of our team members have 20-30 years of experience in the field, so they know how to find solutions to all types of cooling problems.

However, there are times when the trouble with an AC is a simple one you can correct yourself if you know where to look. Before you call us, go through these troubleshooting steps to see if you only have a minor problem on your hands.

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Watch Out for Short-Cycling, A Common Air Conditioning Problem

Monday, May 8th, 2023

If you have a quality air conditioning system that received a professional installation, you probably won’t run into any serious malfunctions with it for its first several years. Keeping up with regular maintenance will reduce the chance of malfunctions even further.

However, there are some AC problems that can crop up even in the best cared-for systems. One of the most common is known as short-cycling, which is both a problem in itself and a symptom of other kinds of malfunctions. 

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Here’s How You Can Pay Less to Cool Your House This Summer

Monday, April 10th, 2023

When it comes to air conditioning in Panama City, FL, you can expect an increase in your home’s electric bills each summer. There’s no way to avoid this—an air conditioner draws on more electricity than just about any other appliance in a home.

However, you may be paying more than you should to run your AC. Almost any household can benefit from following several steps that will help to lower the cost of keeping cool in the Florida summer heat. Below, we’ll share our best tips for saving on running your AC.

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Should Ice Appear on My Air Conditioner?

Monday, March 6th, 2023

This is a question we often hear from customers. In fact, it’s one of the most frequently asked questions people have about their air conditioners. 

Because an air conditioner does the job of sending cooled air into a space, air that often feels like it’s just been chilled with ice, people often make the assumption that ice is a part of how an AC runs. When ice starts to form on an AC unit, it must mean the system is working extremely well, right?

No, not at all. The simple answer to the question in the title of the post is “no.” If you notice ice on your AC, something is wrong and you need to call professionals to repair your air conditioning in Panama City, FL.

If you’d like to know more about why ice may form on an air conditioner and why it’s a bad sign, follow us below.

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It’s Already Time to Think About AC Maintenance

Monday, February 6th, 2023

The winters in Panama City are short and often warm. It’s one of the reasons we’re a popular winter vacation spot. These short winters mean that hot weather is never too far away and now that we’re in the last full month of winter, it’s a good time to bring up the most important HVAC job you can have done in a year: scheduling air conditioning maintenance with trusted professionals.

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Why Won’t My AC Evenly Cool the House?

Monday, November 7th, 2022

While many parts of the country are preparing for winter, here in Panama City we’re still dealing with the heat and running our air conditioners. ACs go through plenty of strain during our summers, and when that continues long into the fall it can mean cooling systems running into malfunctions around this time of year. 

One common sign of something wrong with an AC is when it doesn’t spread cool temperatures evenly around a home. A good central air conditioner is supposed to provide cooling throughout a house. There will always be some fluctuations, but the AC should still get the job done. If you have noticed that rooms in your house are staying too hot when the air conditioning system is running, it may indicate a bigger problem than just a few hot spots.

Below we’ll look at reasons why you may have uneven cooling…

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