Parker Services Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Is It Time to Replace Your Home’s Air Conditioner?

Monday, October 10th, 2022

We enjoy warm weather most of the year here in Panama City. It’s why we’re such a popular vacation destination. But the warmth means we force our air conditioning systems to do an enormous amount of work during the year, much more than somewhere that has freezing winters where ACs go into hibernation for several months.

That’s why, as we’re now into the fall, we recommend you think about your air conditioning system’s future. If your AC is 10 years old or younger and hasn’t given you any trouble cooling your house affordably, then it’s probably in good shape for the near future. (Just make certain you always schedule maintenance for it during the spring!) If your AC is older than this, it’s a smart idea to watch for indications the system is wearing down. It may be time to replace it. We’ll look more into this question below.

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Signs That You Need Repairs for Your Air Conditioner

Monday, September 5th, 2022

Even into September, homeowners in Florida need their air conditioning systems working steadily. Late summer is often a time when ACs are in the biggest danger of failing: they’ve already worked hard for months to keep homes cool, and they’ve accumulated plenty of strain. End-of-summer heat waves can push them too far.

Fortunately, air conditioning systems rarely fail without giving some warning. If you know what to watch for, you can call our technicians in time to get your AC the repairs necessary to keep your house cool. Below are several common ways to tell that you need to call HVAC professionals for air conditioning service in Panama City, FL.

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